Blason de Bourgogne

Sustainable development

Driven by the love of their profession and their nature’s respect, the families of wine growers of Blason de Bourgogne do not cease to ensure the preservation of their territories. Witnesses to this beautiful story, they are the mentors for generations to come.

In this spirit, they are committed to a unique continuous improvement process. An original approach where sustainable and equitable rhyme.

« Vignerons Engagés » (which means « Commited Winegrowers ») is a charter that covers the entire production cycle, from the word of the vineyard to the bottle that you will enjoy finding on your table, taking into account the environmental, economic and social impacts of each action they carry out on a daily basis.

With a total surface area of 1765m2 (1062 solar panels), we produce enough energy to power 152 households.
We are the first winery in Burgundy to produce its own clean electricity, accounting for almost 40% of its annual energy consumption.
Local workmen installed the panels, which were made by a French manufacturer.

We produce our own energy

Made from a mixture of 3 large vegetable families, legumes (pea, trefoil,…) , crucifers (mustard, rape,…) and grasses (rye, …), the vegetable cover is sown in autumn between the rows of vines.
It ensures the (almost) permanent soil cover thus reducing run-off and erosion, recycles the mineral elements, increases the rate of organic matter, structures and protects the soils.
It promotes biological and faunistic activity, limits the presence of self-propagating plants in the plot and of course the use of herbicide.

We protect the soil from our terroirs

It’s never easy to find someone to take over a winegrowing business : numerous tasks, lack of experience, high operating costs and land tax… all of these may put off a future winegrower. And some operations are still waiting to find someone to take over! It’s really important for us to preserve our land and our terroirs.
The winery’s board of directors has therefore set up a SCEA (Société Civile d’Exploitation Agricole) to help with the transition. The principle is a simple one: existing wine growers help the future member to work the land during a handover period, which gives the latter time to settle in and find his feet. The association helps to work on the vines and also maintains those plots of land that are waiting for a buyer.
This group carrying out the transitional work is known as the “SCEA des Vignerons Solidaires”. And it’s working!

We garantee the sustainability of our wineries

It’s important to us that the bottles containing our wines look as good as their contents taste! And we are also aware that the production and distribution of these bottles have an impact on the environment. It’s for this reason that we have put a substantive work into eco-designing our packaging.
From bottles and labels to corks and capsules, all have been sourced from innovative suppliers that prioritise biobased materials, most of which are based in Burgundy.

We reduce our carbon footprint

Taking over a vineyard is not always easy. The property is often heavy and does not allow young wine growers to set up their activity. We have introduced an original approach that not only allows young wine growers to take over the activity easier, but also to be remunerated before their first harvest. Thus, they can start their business serenely on the technical and financial level.
In addition to this help, a group of dynamic young people animates our cellar and facilitates the insertion of everyone in our cooperative environment.

We are participating in the installation of our young wine growers

Depending on the climate conditions throughout the year and the associated threat of disease, protecting the harvest can be a complex issue.
The use of pesticides must therefore be justified according to the sector and the year.
We have been using the IFT – Indicator of Frequency of Treatment – which allows to keep a precise record of the number of reference doses used per hectare.
The results speak for themselves : our IFT is well below the IFT values for Burgundy and fulfils our constant goal: limit our environmental impact.

We care about the health of our vines

Alcohol seriously damages health. To be consumed in moderation.